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segunda-feira, 14 de novembro de 2011

Inglês - Steve Jobs

Steven Jobs was born in 1955 in California. He got a job at Hewlett-Packard in the early 70's. It was there that he met Steve Wozniak, a "brain" of computer science at the time.

Together they began to develop the Apple I. Apple to begin in 1976, Jobs and Wozniak sold two of its most precious possessions: a Volkswagen minibus Jobs and Wozniak HP scientific calculator.

The first revolution was to reduce the size of computers. The Apple I was extremely well received by his new concept.

In three years, Jobs managed to contact, trust, brought experienced people from other companies to the board of Apple and got an increase of 700%. The company's stock began to be valued and new projects were started.

In 1986, a new revolution. Apple announces the Macintosh, the first computer with a graphical interface.

Inside the Apple, Jobs was gradually away from the company's decisions. Feeling that he could not run anything at Apple, Jobs sold his share of the business, bristle grossed $ 20 million and decided to open a new company, NextStep.

First, focused on hardware, but then turned his attention to software and with the success of their systems, received a bid for NextStep from Apple. In 1996, Jobs was able to return to the top of the company two years later.

Since then, Apple products are marked by innovative designs. Apple has recently turned his attention to digital applications. Then came the iPod, portable music player, iTunes, media player and manager iPods, and online store to purchase MP3, iTunes Store.

On October 5, 2011 is announced the death of Jobs due to one who was fighting cancer since 2004.

Check out the speech given by Steve Jobs at Stanford University in 2005, commenting on cancer for the first time in public, said: "Nobody wants to die. But death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. "


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