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domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Beatles - Inglês

Four boys, one dream and the biggest band of the world.

And the history of Beatles started in Liverpool [in 1956]. John Lennon [vocal, guitar and writer], George Harrison [guitar and vocal], Paul McCarteney [bass, writer and vocal] and Ringo Star [drums] were the 4 boys in the band.
            With the revolutionary style to do music, they achieved success in worldwide. The success was especially between the young people.

      Famosa capa do album Abbey Road

The visual revolutionized the music scene too with long hairs and hot colors wears.      The success was so big that in 1965 they played to England Queen Elizabeth II. In 1967 they went to de movies, with de movie “Help!”.
In the end of 60’s the band started to broken according to business divergences. In 1970 they definitely broke the band. John made a successful solo career with his wife Yoko but in 1980 John was killed by a fan, in entrance of his apartment in NY. All the “Beatle” started a solo career but  Paul is considerate the better by the critics.

Fonte: Filme: O garoto de Liverpoll – 2010
Filme: Help!

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